Chords of Family: 6

Learn guitar/ukulele chords by Family: 6

Ký hiệuTênMức độHọNốt
Ab6A flat sixthIntermediate6Ab C Eb F
A#6A sharp sixthIntermediate6A# D F G
A6A sixthIntermediate6A C# E F#
Bb6B flat sixthIntermediate6Bb D F G
B6B sixthIntermediate6B D# F# G#
C6\GC (with G added as the lower note) sixthIntermediate6G C E G A
C#6C sharp sixthIntermediate6C# F G# A#
C6C sixthIntermediate6C E G A
Db6D flat sixthIntermediate6Db F Ab Bb
D#6D sharp sixthIntermediate6D# G A# C
D6D sixthIntermediate6D F# A B
Eb6E flat sixthIntermediate6Eb G Bb C
E6E sixthIntermediate6E G# B C#
F#6F sharp sixthIntermediate6F# A# C# D#
F6F sixthIntermediate6F A C D
Gb6G flat sixthIntermediate6Gb Bb Db Eb
G#6G sharp sixthIntermediate6G# C D# F
G6G sixthIntermediate6G B D E