Chords of Group : Suspended chords

Learn guitar/ukulele chords by Group: Suspended chords

A7sus4A dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4A D E G
A7sus2A dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2A B E G
Ab7sus4A flat dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4Ab Db Eb Gb
Ab7sus2A flat dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2Ab Bb Eb Gb
Ab9sus4A flat ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4Ab Db Eb Gb Bb
Ab9sus2A flat ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2Ab Bb Eb Gb Bb
Absus4A flat suspended fourthAdvancedsus4Ab Db Eb
Absus2A flat suspended secondAdvancedsus2Ab Bb Eb
A9sus4A ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4A D E G B
A9sus2A ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2A B E G B
A#7sus4A sharp dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4A# D# F G#
A#7sus2A sharp dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2A# C F G#
A#9sus4A sharp ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4A# D# F G# C
A#9sus2A sharp ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2A# C F G# C
A#sus4A sharp suspended fourthAdvancedsus4A# D# F
A#sus2A sharp suspended secondAdvancedsus2A# C F
Asus4A suspended fourthAdvancedsus4A D E
Asus2A suspended secondAdvancedsus2A B E
B7sus4B dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4B E F# A
B7sus2B dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2B C# F# A
Bb7sus4B flat dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4Bb Eb F Ab
Bb7sus2B flat dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2Bb C F Ab
Bb9sus4B flat ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4Bb Eb F Ab C
Bb9sus2B flat ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2Bb C F Ab C
Bbsus4B flat suspended fourthAdvancedsus4Bb Eb F
Bbsus2B flat suspended secondAdvancedsus2Bb C F
B9sus4B ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4B E F# A C#
B9sus2B ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2B C# F# A C#
Bsus4B suspended fourthAdvancedsus4B E F#
Bsus2B suspended secondAdvancedsus2B C# F#
Csus4\FC (with F added as the lower note) suspended fourthAdvancedsus4F C F G
C7sus4\GC (with G added as the lower note) dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4G C F G A#
C9sus4\GC (with G added as the lower note) ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4G C F G A# D
Csus4\GC (with G added as the lower note) suspended fourthAdvancedsus4G C F G
C7sus4C dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4C F G A#
C7sus2C dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2C D G A#
C9sus4C ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4C F G A# D
C9sus2C ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2C D G A# D
C#7sus4C sharp dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4C# F# G# B
C#7sus2C sharp dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2C# D# G# B
C#9sus4C sharp ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4C# F# G# B D#
C#9sus2C sharp ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2C# D# G# B D#
C#sus4C sharp suspended fourthAdvancedsus4C# F# G#
C#sus2C sharp suspended secondAdvancedsus2C# D# G#
Csus4C suspended fourthAdvancedsus4C F G
Csus2C suspended secondAdvancedsus2C D G
D7sus4D dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4D G A C
D7sus2D dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2D E A C
Db7sus4D flat dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4Db Gb Ab B
Db7sus2D flat dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2Db Eb Ab B
Db9sus4D flat ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4Db Gb Ab B Eb
Db9sus2D flat ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2Db Eb Ab B Eb
Dbsus4D flat suspended fourthAdvancedsus4Db Gb Ab
Dbsus2D flat suspended secondAdvancedsus2Db Eb Ab
D9sus4D ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4D G A C E
D9sus2D ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2D E A C E
D#7sus4D sharp dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4D# G# A# C#
D#7sus2D sharp dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2D# F A# C#
D#9sus4D sharp ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4D# G# A# C# F
D#9sus2D sharp ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2D# F A# C# F
D#sus4D sharp suspended fourthAdvancedsus4D# G# A#
D#sus2D sharp suspended secondAdvancedsus2D# F A#
Dsus4D suspended fourthAdvancedsus4D G A
Dsus2D suspended secondAdvancedsus2D E A
E7sus4E dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4E A B D
E7sus2E dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2E F# B D
Eb7sus4E flat dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4Eb Ab Bb Db
Eb7sus2E flat dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2Eb F Bb Db
Eb9sus4E flat ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4Eb Ab Bb Db F
Eb9sus2E flat ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2Eb F Bb Db F
Ebsus4E flat suspended fourthAdvancedsus4Eb Ab Bb
Ebsus2E flat suspended secondAdvancedsus2Eb F Bb
E9sus4E ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4E A B D F#
E9sus2E ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2E F# B D F#
Esus4E suspended fourthAdvancedsus4E A B
Esus2E suspended secondAdvancedsus2E F# B
F7sus4F dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4F A# C D#
F7sus2F dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2F G C D#
F9sus4F ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4F A# C D# G
F9sus2F ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2F G C D# G
F#7sus4F sharp dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4F# B C# E
F#7sus2F sharp dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2F# G# C# E
F#9sus4F sharp ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4F# B C# E G#
F#9sus2F sharp ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2F# G# C# E G#
F#sus4F sharp suspended fourthAdvancedsus4F# B C#
F#sus2F sharp suspended secondAdvancedsus2F# G# C#
Fsus4F suspended fourthAdvancedsus4F A# C
Fsus2F suspended secondAdvancedsus2F G C
G7sus4G dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4G C D F
G7sus2G dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2G A D F
Gb7sus4G flat dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4Gb B Db E
Gb7sus2G flat dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2Gb Ab Db E
Gb9sus4G flat ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4Gb B Db E Ab
Gb9sus2G flat ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2Gb Ab Db E Ab
Gbsus4G flat suspended fourthAdvancedsus4Gb B Db
Gbsus2G flat suspended secondAdvancedsus2Gb Ab Db
G9sus4G ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4G C D F A
G9sus2G ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2G A D F A
G#7sus4G sharp dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4G# C# D# F#
G#7sus2G sharp dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2G# A# D# F#
G#9sus4G sharp ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4G# C# D# F# A#
G#9sus2G sharp ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2G# A# D# F# A#
G#sus4G sharp suspended fourthAdvancedsus4G# C# D#
G#sus2G sharp suspended secondAdvancedsus2G# A# D#
Gsus4G suspended fourthAdvancedsus4G C D
Gsus2G suspended secondAdvancedsus2G A D