Albums list of artist: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

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Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
a few seconds ago0 Views 140203 songs1 albums

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists (sometimes written Ted Leo/Pharmacists, Ted Leo + Pharmacists, or TL/Rx) are an American rock band formed in 1999 in Washington, D.C. They have released six full-length studio albums and have toured internationally. Though the group’s lineup has fluctuated throughout their career, singer/guitarist Ted Leo has remained the band’s main songwriter, creative force, and only constant member. The group’s music combines elements of punk rock, indie rock, art punk, traditional rock, and occasionally folk music and dub reggae. Their most recent album, The Brutalist Bricks, was released on March 9, 2010.

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The Brutalist Bricks (2010)
4 years ago0 Views1 songs