Chord/Tab song: Evisceration Plague

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Evisceration Plague - ( Evisceration Plague by Cannibal Corpse I copied HIS tab ...)

Evisceration Plague by Cannibal Corpse

I copied HIS tab here, but I'm the guy that will be doing corrections, so lots of work
done for me by him, so give him a warm applaus because without HIM, you guys would be
So here is the improved version of the song !!!

Ab Db Gb B Eb Ab (note that the main riffs only use the bottom 3 strings)

t Triplet (gallop)
^ bend
. palm mute
" tremolo pick

(if tuning the stings down with the tuner isn't working use the open palm
mutes on the lowest string to tune that to the song, and then tune the others
down accordingly. That's how I (Darkling83) figured out the tuning. This requires a good
ear though)

Riff A (intro) - you can also do the second part trill on 11h14p11h14p11h14p11h14p11h14
the 2nd string if you like

[[ first half x2, second half x2 ]]


. . . . . .

Riff B1 (those are 10's)
[[ Play B1 x6 in the beginning, then B2 x2 ]]


. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .

Riff B2
[[ attention: the 6 isn't muted. ]]


. . . ... . ... . . . . . .

Riff C (verse) x2


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

the play:
Riff B1 x2
Riff B2 x2
Riff C x2

Riff D (chorus) x 2


........ . . ...... ...... ........ . . . . . .

then play:
Riff B1 x2
Riff B2 x2
Riff C x2
Riff D x4
Riff A (part 1 x2, then part 2 once, then part 1 again but it's cut off !!!)

At the end of Riff A the last 2 whole beats are cut off and instead you do an open palm
it's easier to listen to the song and get the timing it's pretty obvious when this happens.


. .

Riff E (Bridge) x4


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[[ The climb is probably not correct, but someone could correct that...]]


. . . . . .

Riff F (end Bridge) x 4
[[ The initial triplet isn't played when you start this riff ]]


... . ...

Riff G x 4
Plague Leads to deaaaaath...
[[ Tremolo picked ]]


Riff G (Behind the solo) x2
[[ Play the first half x2 then the second half x2 per repitition ]]


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Then play:
Riff C x2
Riff D x4

[[ The last powerchord is kept, the fade out is with a whammy bar ]]


. . . . .

I hope you guys will have a good time playing this song !!!

Chords List

Chord: Evisceration Plague - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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