Hợp âm - tab: She Knows - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: She Knows - ( --I fig this one out on my own so screw those who has got...)

--I fig this one out on my own so screw those who has got a problem with it--


[Em7]She f[Dsus4]alls as[C7]leep

[Em7]Throu[Dsus4]gh all [C7]the noise

[Em7]For a[Dsus4]ll i kn[C7]ow

[Em7]We dr[Dsus4]eam the[C7] same

[Am]She finds all my[C7] weaknesses

[G]She knows just [Em7]what to [Dsus4]do
[G]She knows just [Em7]what to [Dsus4]do
[Am]Only yesterday
[C7]Seems like yesterday

[Em7]And wh[Dsus4]ere she [C7]lies

[Em7]There [Dsus4]is no no[C7]ise

[Em7]For al[Dsus4]l i know[C7]

[Em7]We dre[Dsus4]am the sa[C7]me

[Am]She finds all my [C7]weaknesses

Chorus (x1)

[Em7] [Dsus4] [Em7] [Dsus4]

[Am]Every part of me
[C7]So self-heartedly
[G]I couldnt wait
[Em7]For her to stay
[Dsus4]There she goes, th[Dsus4]ere she goes again

She knows just what to do


Em7 : (x22033)
Dsus4 : (xx0233)
C7 : (x32033)
Am : (xx2210)
G : (320033)

--Thats as easy as that...know has done a tab for this song so have fun :-)

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: She Knows - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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