Albums list of artist: Railroad Earth

Albums list Songs Chords Lyrics of artist: Railroad Earth

Railroad Earth

Railroad Earth
a few seconds ago0 Views 169550 songs5 albums

Railroad Earth is a bluegrass-influenced American band formed in Stillwater, New Jersey in 2001. The band’s music combines elements of progressive bluegrass, folk, rock, country, jazz, Celtic and other Americana influences. Recognized as "carrying on the tradition of improvisational, genre-spanning music laid forth by the Grateful Dead," Railroad Earth is known for lyrical songwriting and extensive live improvisation. The band takes its name from the Jack Kerouac prose poem "October in the Railroad Earth." The band also has a song of the same name.

Home page:
The Black Bear Sessions (2001)
4 years ago0 Views4 songs
Bird in a House (2002)
4 years ago0 Views3 songs
The Good Life (2004)
4 years ago0 Views2 songs
Amen Corner (2008)
4 years ago0 Views2 songs
Railroad Earth (2010)
4 years ago0 Views2 songs