Albums list of artist: Francesco Renga

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Francesco Renga

Francesco Renga
a few seconds ago0 Views 147297 songs5 albums

Pierfrancesco Renga (born June 12, 1968 in Udine, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter. He won the Sanremo Music Festival in 2005 with the song Angelo. He also took part in the Sanremo Music Festival in 2009 with Uomo senza età and in 2012 with La tua bellezza.In 2010 he dedicated to his ex-longtime girlfriend Ambra Angiolini (2004 - 2015), the song "Stai con me" written by Emilio Munda.

Home page:
Francesco Renga (2000)
4 years ago0 Views1 songs
Tracce (2002)
4 years ago0 Views2 songs
Camere con vista (2004)
4 years ago0 Views3 songs
Orchestraevoce (2009)
4 years ago0 Views1 songs
Scriverò il tuo nome (2016)
4 years ago0 Views3 songs