Albums của nghệ sĩ: Shwayze

Danh sách các Album bài hát của nghệ sĩ: Shwayze


a few seconds ago0 Views 0 Bài hát3 albums

Aaron Smith, better known as Shwayze (born May 29, 1985), is an American rapper. His first single "Buzzin’" peaked at #46 on the Billboard Hot 100. His second single "Corona and Lime," reached #23 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US and #3 in the US iTunes Store. Shwayze’s self-titled debut album, which Cisco Adler co-wrote, was released on August 19, 2008.

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Shwayze (2008)
4 years ago0 Views10 Bài hát
Let It Beat (2009)
4 years ago0 Views1 Bài hát
Island in the Sun (2011)
4 years ago0 Views4 Bài hát