Albums của nghệ sĩ: Morten Abel

Danh sách các Album bài hát của nghệ sĩ: Morten Abel

Morten Abel

Morten Abel
a few seconds ago0 Views 188373 Bài hát5 albums

Morten Abel Knutsen (born 15 October 1962), better known by his stage name Morten Abel is a Norwegian pop artist, and one of Norway’s best-selling domestic artists.

Home page:
Snowboy (1997)
4 years ago0 Views4 Bài hát
Here We Go Then, You and I (2000)
4 years ago0 Views6 Bài hát
Being Everything, Knowing Nothing (2003)
4 years ago0 Views6 Bài hát
Some of Us Will Make It (2006)
4 years ago0 Views5 Bài hát