Albums của nghệ sĩ: Cartel

Danh sách các Album bài hát của nghệ sĩ: Cartel


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Cartel is an American pop punk band from Conyers, Georgia, United States, that formed in 2003. The group was featured on the MTV television series Band in a Bubble in 2007 as part of an experiment where they were given 20 days to write and record a full album. The current members of the band include vocalist/bassist Will Pugh, lead guitarist Joseph Pepper, guitarist Nic Hudson, and drummer Kevin Sanders.

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Chroma (2005)
4 years ago0 Views8 Bài hát
Cartel (2007)
4 years ago0 Views3 Bài hát
Cycles (2009)
4 years ago0 Views7 Bài hát
Collider (2013)
4 years ago0 Views3 Bài hát
Bare Essentials (2015)
4 years ago0 Views7 Bài hát