Albums của nghệ sĩ: 4Him

Danh sách các Album bài hát của nghệ sĩ: 4Him


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4Him was a Contemporary Christian group founded in 1990 in Alabama, US. The group has ten Dove awards, a Grammy nomination and three certified gold albums to their credit. The group was inducted into Alabama’s Music Hall of Fame, following the awarding of The Governor’s Achievement Award. The group has also been featured performers for popular Christian Evangelist crusaders, Billy Graham and Luis Palau. 4Him disbanded in 2006 to pursue individual careers of ministry and music. They have released 12 studio albums which have produced 27 number one singles. The group has made sporadic reunion appearances since 2009.

Home page:
The Basics of Life (1992)
3 years ago0 Views1 Bài hát
The Season of Love (1993)
3 years ago0 Views1 Bài hát
The Message (1996)
3 years ago0 Views2 Bài hát
Other Songs
3 years ago0 Views3 Bài hát