Chord/Tab song: Baby Face

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Baby Face - ( Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ...Garry Sm...)

Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ...Garry Smythe
Please e mail any corrections to:- [email protected]

Baby Face various

Verse 1

[C]Baby face, You got the cutest l[Gdim7]ittle b[G7]aby face
T[G7]here?s not another who can take your place
My [C]Ba - [E7]by [A7]face,
[D7]My poor heart is thumping, [G7]you sure have started something?


[C]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [E7]in your [Asus4]fond [E7]emb - [C]race[C7]
I didn?t ne[F]ed a s[Fm]hove, well I went and f[C]ell [E7]in l[A7]ove
With my p[D7]retty ba[G7]by f[C]ace.

Verse 2

[C]Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little t[Gdim7]ootsie f[G7]ace
[G7]There?s not another who can take your place
My [C]Ba - [E7]by [A7]face,
W[D7]ell my poor heart is jumping
You[G7] know you went and started something


[C]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [E7]in your [Asus4]fond [E7]emb - [C]race[C7]
I didn?t n[F]eed a sh[Fm]ove, Cos I went and f[C]ell [E7]in lo[A7]ve
With your p[D7]retty little b[G7]aby, pr[D7]etty little [G7]baby
[D7]Talking ?bout a little b[G7]aby f[C]ace[G7][C]


Verse 1

[D]Baby face, You got the cutest l[Adim7]ittle b[A7]aby face
T[A7]here?s not another who can take your place
My [D]Ba - [F#7]by [B7]face,
[E7]My poor heart is thumping, [A7]you sure have started something?


[D]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [F#7]in your [Bsus4]fond [F#7]emb - [D]race[D7]
I didn?t ne[G]ed a s[Gm]hove, well I went and f[D]ell [F#7]in l[B7]ove
With my p[E7]retty ba[A7]by f[D]ace.

Verse 2

[D]Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little t[Adim7]ootsie f[A7]ace
[A7]There?s not another who can take your place
My [D]Ba - [F#7]by [B7]face,
W[E7]ell my poor heart is jumping
You[A7] know you went and started something


[D]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [F#7]in your [Bsus4]fond [F#7]emb - [D]race[D7]
I didn?t n[G]eed a sh[Gm]ove, Cos I went and f[D]ell [F#7]in lo[B7]ve
With your p[E7]retty little b[A7]aby, pr[E7]etty little [A7]baby
[E7]Talking ?bout a little b[A7]aby f[D]ace[A7][D]


Verse 1

[E]Baby face, You got the cutest l[Bdim7]ittle b[B7]aby face
T[B7]here?s not another who can take your place
My [E]Ba - [G#7]by [C#7]face,
[F#7]My poor heart is thumping, [B7]you sure have started something?


[E]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [G#7]in your [C#sus4]fond [G#7]emb - [E]race[E7]
I didn?t ne[A]ed a s[Am]hove, well I went and f[E]ell [G#7]in l[C#7]ove
With my p[F#7]retty ba[B7]by f[E]ace.

Verse 2

[E]Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little t[Bdim7]ootsie f[B7]ace
[B7]There?s not another who can take your place
My [E]Ba - [G#7]by [C#7]face,
W[F#7]ell my poor heart is jumping
You[B7] know you went and started something


[E]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [G#7]in your [C#sus4]fond [G#7]emb - [E]race[E7]
I didn?t n[A]eed a sh[Am]ove, Cos I went and f[E]ell [G#7]in lo[C#7]ve
With your p[F#7]retty little b[B7]aby, pr[F#7]etty little [B7]baby
[F#7]Talking ?bout a little b[B7]aby f[E]ace[B7][E]

Verse 1

[F]Baby face, You got the cutest l[Cdim7]ittle b[C7]aby face
T[C7]here?s not another who can take your place
My [F]Ba - [A7]by [D7]face,
[G7]My poor heart is thumping, [C7]you sure have started something?


[F]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [A7]in your [Dsus4]fond [A7]emb - [F]race[F7]
I didn?t ne[Bb]ed a s[Bbm]hove, well I went and f[F]ell [A7]in l[D7]ove
With my p[G7]retty ba[C7]by f[F]ace.

Verse 2

[F]Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little t[Cdim7]ootsie f[C7]ace
[C7]There?s not another who can take your place
My [F]Ba - [A7]by [D7]face,
W[G7]ell my poor heart is jumping
You[C7] know you went and started something


[F]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [A7]in your [Dsus4]fond [A7]emb - [F]race[F7]
I didn?t n[Bb]eed a sh[Bbm]ove, Cos I went and f[F]ell [A7]in lo[D7]ve
With your p[G7]retty little b[C7]aby, pr[G7]etty little [C7]baby
[G7]Talking ?bout a little b[C7]aby f[F]ace[C7][F]

Verse 1

[G]Baby face, You got the cutest l[Ddim7]ittle b[D7]aby face
T[D7]here?s not another who can take your place
My [G]Ba - [B7]by [E7]face,
[A7]My poor heart is thumping, [D7]you sure have started something?


[G]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [B7]in your [Esus4]fond [B7]emb - [G]race[G7]
I didn?t ne[C]ed a s[Cm]hove, well I went and f[G]ell [B7]in l[E7]ove
With my p[A7]retty ba[D7]by f[G]ace.

Verse 2

[G]Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little t[Ddim7]ootsie f[D7]ace
[D7]There?s not another who can take your place
My [G]Ba - [B7]by [E7]face,
W[A7]ell my poor heart is jumping
You[D7] know you went and started something


[G]Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m [B7]in your [Esus4]fond [B7]emb - [G]race[G7]
I didn?t n[C]eed a sh[Cm]ove, Cos I went and f[G]ell [B7]in lo[E7]ve
With your p[A7]retty little b[D7]aby, pr[A7]etty little [D7]baby
[A7]Talking ?bout a little b[D7]aby f[G]ace[D7][G]


Chords List

Chord: Baby Face - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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