(transcribed by John Burris and Jim Bodenschatz)
(low to high) F-Bb-Eb-G#-C-f (1/2 step up)
Intro (0:00):
guitars 1 & 2 (distortion on):
then (0:12):
guitar 1 (play 7 times):
guitar 2 (play 7 times):
then (0:33):
both guitars:
Verses (0:37, 1:12, and 2:24):
both guitars (play 4 times):
First, Second, and Third Choruses (1:01, 1:37, and 2:48):
both guitars:
then (1:06, 1:42, and 2:54):
both guitars:
First and Second Bridges (1:48 and 3:00):
guitar 1 (play 3 times):
guitar 2:
then (2:00 and 3:12):
guitar 1:
guitar 2:
then (2:09):
guitar 1:
guitar 2:
then (2:12):
guitar 1 (play 8 times):
guitar 2 (play 8 times):
Third Bridge (3:21):
both guitars:
then (3:24):
both guitars (play 2 times):
(bass - play 2 times)
then (3:36):
both guitars:
then (3:42):
both guitars:
this bend is a quarter-step bend-and-release
Fourth Chorus (3:48):
both guitars:
then (3:54):
both guitars:
[email protected]
(low to high) F-Bb-Eb-G#-C-f (1/2 step up)
Intro (0:00):
guitars 1 & 2 (distortion on):
then (0:12):
guitar 1 (play 7 times):
guitar 2 (play 7 times):
then (0:33):
both guitars:
Verses (0:37, 1:12, and 2:24):
both guitars (play 4 times):
First, Second, and Third Choruses (1:01, 1:37, and 2:48):
both guitars:
then (1:06, 1:42, and 2:54):
both guitars:
First and Second Bridges (1:48 and 3:00):
guitar 1 (play 3 times):
guitar 2:
then (2:00 and 3:12):
guitar 1:
guitar 2:
then (2:09):
guitar 1:
guitar 2:
then (2:12):
guitar 1 (play 8 times):
guitar 2 (play 8 times):
Third Bridge (3:21):
both guitars:
then (3:24):
both guitars (play 2 times):
(bass - play 2 times)
then (3:36):
both guitars:
then (3:42):
both guitars:
this bend is a quarter-step bend-and-release
Fourth Chorus (3:48):
both guitars:
then (3:54):
both guitars:
[email protected]