Hợp âm - tab: A Horse With No Name - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: A Horse With No Name - ( [Intro] | [Em] / / [Em9] / / | [F#m11] / / [A6sus2]/ / | ...)

5 years ago2625America (1971) America
| [Em] / / [Em9] / / | [F#m11] / / [A6sus2]/ / | [Em]/ / [Em9] / / | [F#m11] / / [A6sus2]/ / |

[Verse 1]
On the f[Em]irst part [Em9]of the [F#m11]journey,[A6sus2]
I was lo[Em]oking at a[Em9]ll the [F#m11]life,[A6sus2]
There were p[Em]lants, and [Em9]birds, and [F#m11]rocks, and [A6sus2]things,
There were s[Em]and, and h[Em9]ills, and [F#m11]rings![A6sus2]

[Verse 2]
The f[Em]irst thing I [Em9]met was a [F#m11]fly with a [A6sus2]buzz,
And the [Em]sky ...[Em9]with no [F#m11]clouds,[A6sus2]
The [Em]heat was [Em9]hot, and the [F#m11]ground was [A6sus2]dry,
But the [Em]air was [Em9]full of [F#m11]sound![A6sus2]

I've b[Em]een through the d[Em9]esert on a [F#m11]horse with no [A6sus2]name,
It felt g[Em]ood to be [Em9]out of the [F#m11]rain,[A6sus2]
In the de[Em]sert [Em9] ...you can re - [F#m11]member your[A6sus2] name,
'Cause there [Em]ain't no [Em9]one for to [F#m11]give you no[A6sus2] pain!
[Em] [Em9] [F#m11] [A6sus2]

La ---, la---, la-la, la, la!

[Em] [Em9] [F#m11] [A6sus2]

La - la, la---, la---, la!

[Verse 3]
After [Em]two days [Em9] ...in the [F#m11]desert [A6sus2]sun,
My s[Em]kin be - [Em9]gan to turn[F#m11] red,[A6sus2]
After t[Em]hree days [Em9] ...in the [F#m11]desert [A6sus2]fun,
I was lo[Em]oking at a [Em9]river [F#m11]bed,[A6sus2]
And the s[Em]tory it [Em9]told, of a [F#m11]river that [A6sus2]flowed,
Made me s[Em]ad to th[Em9]ink it was [F#m11]dead![A6sus2]

You see, I've [Em]been through the d[Em9]esert on a [F#m11]horse with no[A6sus2] name,
It felt g[Em]ood to be [Em9]out of the [F#m11]rain,[A6sus2]
In the de[Em]sert [Em9] ...you can re - [F#m11]member your[A6sus2] name,
'Cause there a[Em]in't no [Em9]one for to [F#m11]give you no[A6sus2] pain!
[Em] [Em9] [F#m11] [A6sus2]

La, la---, la---, la-la, la, la!

[Em] [Em9] [F#m11] [A6sus2]

La - la, la---, la---, la!

[Middle 8]
| [Em] / / [Em9] / / | [F#m11] / / [A6sus2]/ / | [Em]/ / [Em9] / / | [F#m11] / / [A6sus2]/ / |

| [Em] / / [Em9] / / | [F#m11] / / [A6sus2]/ / | [Em]/ / [Em9] / / | [F#m11] / / [A6sus2]/ / |

[Verse 4]
After n[Em]ine days [Em9] ...I let the [F#m11]horse run [A6sus2]free,
'Cause the d[Em]esert had t[Em9]urned to[F#m11] sea,[A6sus2]
There were p[Em]lants, and [Em9]birds, and [F#m11]rocks, and [A6sus2]things,
There were s[Em]and, and h[Em9]ills, and [F#m11]rings![A6sus2]

[Verse 5]
The o[Em]cean is a de[Em9]sert with it's [F#m11]life under - [A6sus2]ground,
And the pe[Em]rfect dis - [Em9]guise a - [F#m11]bove,[A6sus2]
Under the c[Em]ities [Em9] ...lies a [F#m11]heart made of [A6sus2]ground,
But the hum[Em]ans will g[Em9]ive no [F#m11]love![A6sus2]

You see, I've b[Em]een through the d[Em9]esert on a [F#m11]horse with no[A6sus2] name,
It felt g[Em]ood to be [Em9]out of the [F#m11]rain,[A6sus2]
In the de[Em]sert [Em9] ...you can re - [F#m11]member your[A6sus2] name,
'Cause there a[Em]in't no [Em9]one for to [F#m11]give you no[A6sus2] pain!
[Em] [Em9] [F#m11] [A6sus2]

La, la---, la---, la-la, la, la!

[Em] [Em9] [F#m11] [A6sus2]

La - la, la---, la---, la!

[Em] [Em9] [F#m11] [A6sus2]

||: La, la---, la---, la-la, la, la!

[Em] [Em9] [F#m11] [A6sus2]

La - la, la---, la---, la! :||[Repeat]

| [Em]/ / [Em9]/ / | [F#m11] / ||

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Hợp âm: A Horse With No Name - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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