Chord/Tab song: Disarm

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Disarm - ( Song: Disarm Album: Houston: We Have A Drinking Problem T...)

5 years ago1045 Bad Astronaut
Song: Disarm
Album: Houston: We Have A Drinking Problem
Tabbed by: Don Tago
email: [email protected]

Standard Tuning

[D]I'm com[A]ing ho[Bm]me,
I'm not b[F#]ound any[G]more on the br[D]ink of no[G]thing
I'm just sta[A]rting something.
[D]I [A]am dog b[Bm]oy, overwh[F#]elmed, unemploye[G]d,
An ar[D]senal of outbur[G]sts but I'm just sa[A]ying it first.
[D]I d[A]on't want to l[Bm]ose everyth[F#]ing that we [G]grew.
I'm not cu[D]tting you d[G]own, I'm just carr[A]ying the axe.
( Tab from: )
[G]Knowing it's half [D]bad, knowing its a l[F#]ittle sad
[Bm]and theres b[F#]lood on [G]our hands. I ha[A]te this. [F#]
[G]No one at the w[D]heel, everyone is h[F#]ere to feel,

[Bm] [F#] [G] [A] [Bm] [A] [A] [A]
I'm coming home. We aren't sound anymore,
I can't build a purpose in this falling structure.
I'm not tearing it down, I just can't find the sound.
I'm disarming the bomb before it goes off.

Knowing it's half bad, knowing it's all smiling sad.
And the gun in my hand is empty.
I am Mr. Guilt, everyone is here to feel.

Bm F# G A x3

[Bm]I than[F#]k you all so m[G]uch for my nex[A]t trick, n[A]ext trip,
(D A Bm F# G D G: repeat to end with some variation)
drive home.

Chords List

Chord: Disarm - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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