Albums list of artist: The Derailers

Albums list Songs Chords Lyrics of artist: The Derailers

The Derailers

The Derailers
a few seconds ago0 Views 162750 songs7 albums

The Derailers are an American country music band based in Austin, Texas. They were founded by Portland, Oregon natives Tony Villanueva and Brian Hofeldt in 1994.

Home page:
Jackpot (1996)
4 years ago0 Views5 songs
Reverb Deluxe (1997)
4 years ago0 Views8 songs
Full Western Dress (1999)
4 years ago0 Views4 songs
Here Come The Derailers (2001)
4 years ago0 Views10 songs
Genuine (2003)
4 years ago0 Views2 songs
Guaranteed to Satisfy (2008)
4 years ago0 Views1 songs
Other Songs
3 years ago0 Views1 songs